Hypnotherapists in Coventry
8 Hawkins Road
West Midlands
Laura Moreton is a fully qualified, Coventry based
Hypnotherapist and member of the World Federation of
Hypnotherapists. She offers hypnotherapy treatment from a private
address in Earlsdon, central Coventry.
What is holding you back? Fear, anxiety, stress, low self esteem, issues with your self image or lack of confidence.
What do you need to change? Your weight, smoking, nail-biting, sleep patterns or ability to focus.
How do you want to feel? Fitter, leaner, more resourceful, relaxed, more self-assured or more in-control.
Hypnotherapy can help you to address the issues which are holding you back, help you to change and help you to feel the way you really want to.
* stress and anxiety
* smoking cessation
* weight control
* phobias
* confidence and self esteem building
* breaking habits such as nail-biting
* pyschosomatic problems such as IBS and migraine
This list is by no means complete so please get in touch with Laura about any issue or question you about hypnotherapy you may have.
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